Ventilex B.V.
(Booth No: 15)
Europaweg 8 8181 BH Heerde The Netherlands, Netherlands

Contact Person: Mr. Jeroen Stoffers
Mobile: +31 6 54 21 80 35
About Company
Ventilex is a Dutch company leading in drying solutions for food, feed and mineral applications. Specifically for the spices & herbs industry, Ventilex has developed the Steam Sterilizer to safely decontaminate spices & herbs. Chemical-free and efficient, it uses high-pressure steam to eliminate microorganisms. A continuous ‘inflow’ of high pressure steam results in the elimination of undesired microorganisms while causing the minimum harm to the organoleptic characteristics (flavor, color, texture or taste) of spices & herbs. Since the process does not require chemicals or irradiation, the Ventilex effective and efficient steam treatment is now successfully applied by leading companies all over the world.